

International Chamber of Shipping Limited and Maritime International Secretariat Services Limited Competition Law Complian​ce Policy


本竞争法合规政策(“合规政策”)经ICS和Marisec董事会(统称“董事会”)认真考虑后批准并通过, 并已向大发黄金版网页版登录所有会员(“会员”)派发一份.


理事会认识到,国际船东协会作为国家船东协会的国际协会的独特结构意味着国际船东协会的活动最不可能违反竞争法. 国际航运协会不参与任何商业市场的竞争,其活动的主要目的是在国际一级加强航运业的安全和技术标准. 像这样, ICS is not engaged in economic activity that would have any effect on competition in commercial markets.

ICS和Marisec承认Marisec确实从事商业活动, 包括经营出版业务, 这些活动必须遵守竞争法. The Boards recognise the fundamental importance of compliance with competition law.

相应的, 董事会认为,通过本合规政策提醒ICS成员/ Marisec员工一般竞争法的基本原则,并强调可能与ICS和Marisec具体相关的领域是适当的.

遵守竞争法是每一位会员的责任, 导演, 员工, 重要的是你:-

a. 阅读此政策;

b. Are aware of the key actions you should or should not do to be competition compliant.

c. Attend any competition compliance training organised by or on behalf of ICS / Marisec;

d. 在执行你的活动时参考政策. Speak with and take the advice and guidance from the ICS Legal team if you have any doubts or concerns.

If you have any questions or concerns please ask the Principle Director (Legal) via email 在这里. 他们会私下讨论你的问题或担忧.


遵守竞争法对ICS和Marisec至关重要. 像这样, ICS和Marisec的政策是完全遵守所有适用的竞争法,包括但不限于在美利坚合众国颁布的此类法律和法规, 欧盟和英国, 包括1890年谢尔曼反托拉斯法, 《大发黄金版网页版登录》第101和102条, 1998年竞争法, 2002年企业法, 《大发黄金版网页版登录》及所有相关立法, 指引及通告. ICS 和Marisec aim to foster a culture of competition law compliance and it is in this spirit that ICS 和Marisec adopt this Compliance Policy. ICS和Marisec的活动不仅在形式上而且在实质上都必须遵守竞争法和本合规政策.

董事会认识到,违反竞争法的行为会暴露ICS及其会员的身份, 和Marisec, 面对高额罚款的风险, court orders and significant costs and bad publicity associated with a competition investigation. Individuals may also face criminal sanctions and 导演 disqualification orders.


In addition, breaching competition law is a breach of an 员工’s employment contract with Marisec. 这可能会导致书面警告,甚至可能被解雇, 这可能会被视为严重不当行为, especially if advice from the ICS Legal team had not been taken in advance of any action.

贸易协会 & 竞争法

竞争法对待行业协会的活动就像对待竞争者之间任何其他形式的合作一样:没有特别的竞争法制度. So, 而行业协会往往履行合法和有价值的职能, 就像竞争者之间其他形式的合作一样, 行业协会的活动可能违反竞争法. For competition law purposes decisions or recommendations of trade associations are treated as agreements between its Members. Competition law may be breached even when the decisions or recommendations of trade associations are not binding on the Members.

禁止协议 & 理解


  • Agreements with the object or effect of fixing prices, restricting discounts or rebates;
  • 限制产出或生产、分配市场或客户的协议;
  • 交换当前和具体价格信息的协议, 能力, 成本和其他商业敏感信息;
  • Collective boycotts or other coordinated measures intended to eliminate competitors; and
  • Coordinated measures that slow technical development or otherwise exploit markets.

相应的, ICS must not serve as a means for Members to coordinate on any of these matters. 国际商会也不得用作促进达成或执行任何此类反竞争协议或谅解的讨论论坛.

Further Marisec should not undertake any activity that would be prohibited under competition law, 进行商业活动时.


  1. 与其他行业协会就会员条款进行协调
    ICS must not coordinate with other shipowners’ trade and employers’ associations or similar bodies on membership fees, services offered to members or any other terms of membership liable to affect competition between associations. Discussions that take place between associations must avoid such commercially sensitive subjects.
  2. 会员条款
    已从竞争法的角度对ICS成员的接纳规则和成员条件进行了审查,以确保其透明, 成比例的, 非歧视,以客观标准为基础. Procedures for expelling Members from ICS should be based on reasonable and objective standards.
  3. 商务谈判
    ICS不应代表会员进行联合买卖. Coordination on buying and selling is only permissible in competition law when the combined market share of the parties is very low. ICS可代表其成员就价格、数量、市场或开展经济活动的地域等竞争参数进行磋商或不涉及谈判的讨论.
  4. 信息交换
    与竞争参数有关的信息, 比如价格, 产能或成本不应在成员之间交换,除非这种交换具有足够的历史意义或已经累积,使竞争对手无法辨别彼此的商业战略.交换汇总的数据,以便将足够数量的独立企业合并在一起,从而不可能识别个别竞争者,原则上并不违反竞争法. 即便如此, ICS must not be used for the exchange of 能力 forecasts not based on publicly available information, 即使是汇总形式.

    同样,交换历史数据原则上也不违反竞争法. 尽管在很大程度上取决于个人情况——关键在于所交换的信息是否仍然与会员当前或未来的商业战略相关——但不到一年的个性化商业数据通常不被视为具有历史意义. The more frequently data is exchanged the more likely it is to breach competition law.

    除了交换历史和/或充分汇总的数据之外, 交换已经在公共领域的信息或与诸如技术或环境标准等竞争参数无关的信息不太可能引起竞争法问题.

  5. 技术标准、行为准则和建议
    ICS的协调活动(ICS会员之间以及ICS与其他行业协会之间)不太可能引起竞争法方面的关注,因为这种协调的唯一目标和效果是执行技术协定或实现技术合作. 同样的, coordination that relates to the implementation of environmental standards will not usually infringe competition law. 相反, ICS不能用于竞争对手在价格上进行协调, 能力或任何其他竞争参数.Codes of conduct or other forms of guidance for the shipping industry must not be used as a means of competitive coordination. 如果它们涉及技术和安全标准,而不包括对价格或市场/客户分配等竞争事项的指导,它们不太可能引起竞争法方面的关注.
  6. 标准条款和条件
    Standard terms and conditions are more likely to breach competition law when Members are obliged to contract on those terms. Members should t在这里fore remain free to adopt different terms and conditions if they wish, while acknowledging that in marine industries standard forms of contract are the norm, 它们通常适用于每笔交易的不同商业条款.Standard terms and conditions must not establish uniform price tariffs; this is the equivalent to an agreement to fix prices and one of the most serious infringements of competition law. Even recommended prices may breach competition law if this leads to the coordination of price behaviour.

    标准条款和条件还可能通过在其他竞争要素上建立协调而影响竞争,从而降低成员在非价格因素上竞争的能力或动机. 有利于客户的标准条款和条件, for example by making it easier for customers to compare terms offered by Members may be justified. In no case must the standard terms and conditions be more restrictive than necessary to achieve a legitimate objective.

  7. “议程外”的讨论
    会员或其代表不得利用ICS作为在ICS正式业务之外从事反竞争行为的机会. ICS应该为任何会议认真准备议程, 在国际商会召开任何会议之前分发本议程, 应该准确地记录讨论内容, 包括可能提出的任何其他业务, and delegates reminded at the outset of all meetings of the importance of competition law compliance.


Each member of staff of ICS / 员工 of Marisec must make every effort to act in full accordance with competition law. Committee chairpersons have particular responsibility to ensure that the activities of ICS committees do not breach competition law. Committee chairpersons should immediately report any actual or suspected breach of competition law to the Secretary General and the Chairman. ICS秘书处成员/ Marisec雇员如怀疑或发现任何违反竞争法的行为,应向秘书长/常务董事报告,由常务董事向主席报告.

If, 在与其他行业组织合作的过程中, ICS一旦意识到反竞争行为,就必须采取积极措施,明确表示反对这种行为:在会议上保持沉默是不够的. In the event of an investigation the burden of proof will be on ICS to show this disapproval, 因此ICS必须确保这些异议被准确地记录下来, 并保留相关文件的副本.

ICS should conduct regular internal competition law compliance audits in order to identify and address any areas of concern. As part of the audit individuals should be invited to report any knowledge or suspicions of anti-competitive behaviour occurring within ICS. If ICS has doubts as to the competition law compliance of its conduct it should seek specialist legal advice.